Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Suck it! Part Two

So although I was sitting pretty much right next to first base, I hauled my fatness up to the nosebleed section to show you the view:

Too bad stupid Qwest Field is in the way. Although I guess if anyone deserves their own stadium these days, it's the Seahawks.

As for food consumption, I started out with good intentions:

But ended up returning to familiar paths. Witness the remnants of my secret shame:

As for Manny hitting #500, it didn't happen. I taped every at-bat in the hopes that I would catch it, but no luck. Here's Manny's last chance of the game, and me voicing my disgust with J.J. Putz for not giving him anything to hit:


Alicia said...

You were at both of those games???!!! Wow. You are one lucky red head. We sat on our couch and watched both of them and waited anxiously for that #500 also. Didn't happen. I also spent all of the game that I knew you were at looking for you. Every time they scanned the crowd. I never saw you. I guess I should have been looking for the seat filled with discarded garlic fry plates. Man, those garlic fries look good. Good for you for sticking with the good stuff.

turleybenson said...

In the words of Jack McFarland:
Oh. My. Gaah-
You have a what now? For how long? And write about who now?

I'm so happy you have a blog!! You can Red my Delicious anytime (I liked your Prince Caspian joke, by the way).

Can't wait to see you. And now, read you.