Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I assume everyone is up on their 90s hip-hop classics?

Anyway, on a more serious note:

Some of you may have heard that my dad recently had another stroke. It happened early Saturday morning. I noticed that something was wrong when he turned his head to look at me, and then started talking to the wall.

"Dad, can you see me?"
"OK. Let's go to the E.R."

He was admitted to the hospital where he ended up staying for 4 days. In addition to leaving him totally blind, the stroke had also damaged the part of the brain that would normally worry about such things. He knew he was blind, but he didn't seem too bothered by it. If you or I were to wake up tomorrow morning and not be able to see a thing, we would FLIP OUT. Rex was fine with it. No big deal. And the not caring was part of the stroke.

And now for the good news. Two days later, he was able to recognize my face. I handed him a glass without saying anything, and he reached out for it. Three days later, he was able to feed himself. It was a miracle, plain and simple. A big huge "thank you" to The Man Upstairs.

Today, we moved him to a short-term rehab facility. It's a nice place, I guess, but being in those kinds of places just breaks my heart. The residents looked like they were well cared for, and everything looked clean and nice...but it wasn't home. I am anxious to spring him out of there as soon as possible. The plan was for him to stay a couple of weeks, get some strength back, hopefully get some vision back, and then come home. Well, he's progressing so much faster than we had anticipated, and I know that I can give him the same level of care that they are giving him, if not better because I know the guy. I know what he can and cannot do. Like, why did they give him his silverware wrapped up all tight in a napkin like they do at restaurants? He doesn't have the manual dexterity to unwrap it. If I hadn't been there, how long would he have had to wait until a nurse noticed him struggling?

One week, and I'm busting him out. I can't wait any longer than that.

Thank you to all who have already sent kind words and offered prayers on my dad's behalf. I know they have made a big difference already.

Isn't he handsome?


Kelly said...

Randi, you are just so wonderful to take such good care of your parents. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, but am glad he seems to be progressing pretty well. I admire you so much. Hugs and prayers coming your way.

Jeni said...

Oh, Randi. This is bad and good news. Before you said he began to get his vision back I kept thinking, "What a blessing that if he can't see that he doesn't have the capacity to care." I'm glad he's improving though. There is very little about aging that sounds like a good time. Can't say I'm really looking forward to it. I just hope as I do at least one of my children will be as wonderful as you to make sure I am well taken care of. "Be nice to your children, they will take care of you when you're old." Your father must have been very, very nice to you. Love you Randi. Prayers for you and your pops.

Kam said...

Oh Rand, I've been thinking of you all week, wondering and praying for you and Rex. I'm sooooo glad to hear he can see again. Miracle. What a blessing! I hope he continues to recover, and that you get to bring him home like you're hoping. You're so good to him. I love the pictures of him... yes, he's very handsome. And such a sweet man. Glad to hear he's okay -- or improving, at least.

Alicia said...

I am so happy to hear about his sight returning. That really is amazing. I always think it is amazing to hear of the love you have for your dad and how you take care of him. What a blessing you are to him. Scott is telling me about your texts and his memory loss. I wonder what will happen with that. Best of luck to you my dear in bustin him out of there and taking good care of him. We love you and pray for you.