Sunday, May 13, 2012

Greatest. Mother. Ever.


Kam said...

Oh, sweet Randilicious... what a sweet, wonderful tribute to your mom. I loved seeing all these adorable pictures of her. Even though I only met her a couple of times (or was it maybe even just once?), I can still hear her voice and remember her infectious laugh. Happy Mother's Day, Eunice.

Bekah said...

Beautiful! But what I really want to know is how hard that photographer had to work to get the entire Johansen clan to keep a straight face for long enough to capture it on film? That formal portrait is killing me!

Bekah said...
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Alicia said...

It was so neat to see these pictures Randi. How amazing that you have all of these of your dear mom. I love the one of her with her guitar. And wow, your dad is a hotty in that sailor uniform. You look so much like her in some of those pictures. Could that have been a little you sitting next to her at the piano? Adorable! Love it. And love you.

Andrew Anthony said...

Greatest. Aunt. Ever.